Even expensive brands reduced me to looking like a $10 whore... My incredibly glamorous cousin that works in Harrods as adviser recommended Chanel Rouge Allure 14 Passion... £25 lighter and still I couldn't pass for sophisticated chic. Friday night I was out with my friend she is a London Make-up artist... she was wearing a vintage dress and looked stunning with her bold red lips to accompany the look... This inspired me to resume my search...
While daydreaming around Tesco's (yes I said Tesco's) with my little cherubs yesterday morning I came upon Tesco's own make up brand... The first item my eyes fell upon was a lipstick called 'DIVA'... corny name I admit but with the feeling of serendipity in my bones I scrapped off some from the bottom of the stick and applyed... I believe I heard angels sing... £3.50p ...